Hummingbird Cam

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Empty Nest!

As you can tell, both babies flew away today. Kind of sad after watching them intently for weeks.

The older one flew around 7:30 AM PST when I opened the back door. I guess he needed some impetuous to actually fly off. He went so fast that I couldn't tell where he went. I watched for him all day, but didn't see him at all. I did keep the dog and cat in the house, however!

The second one flew off just a few minutes ago (6:50 PM PST). Someone wrote to tell me he was on the edge of the nest looking like he was going to fly. By the time I looked he had already gone.

I did see that I got the second one flying off with the mother bird on video. I will post that in a few minutes.

One other interesting note: The mother bird keeps primping the empty next. She's got to know they are long gone. Is there any reason to keep primping? Is she expecting to lay more?


Anonymous said...

I missed the first one’s flight, but I did see the second one leave the nest. The second one sat on the edge for a long time trying out its wings. After about 5 minutes he walked along the edge to the right side then hopped onto the dirty leaf then walked to the stem were he disappeared out of vision. Never actually saw him fly off.

It‘s interesting watching the mother prepping the nest again.

Anonymous said...

Bless you and your neighbor for the camera, that let us into your backyard to witness this wonderful event. I must admit that I have spent way to much time sitting in front of my computer watching this beautiful mother take care of her babies.
My sister in law's parents have had hummer nests in their yard the last several years. They leave then nest in tact and it is used again each year, so do not mess with the nest and maybe next year we will be able to see this wonderful event again.