Hummingbird Cam

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Nesting Info

"Buzzy" turns her eggs on June 13

Several people have asked questions about the nesting habbits of this Anna's Hummingbird. Being I am a tech guy and not a bird guy, I had to hit Google. Here are some interesting things found here.

The Anna's Hummingbird has 2 white eggs with a 14 day incubation period. Fledging occurs 18-23 days after hatching. The nest is a tiny woven cup made from twigs, lichens, spider webs, and dead leaves fastened to well protected tree branch. The male and female only come together to mate. It is the female that builds the nest, incubates the eggs, and cares for the young.

When a fledging leaves the nest it is still dependent on their mother for food for a handful of days.